Please give appropriate credit when sharing images that contain artwork completed by Tara Feather Designs on any form of social media or blog post. For Instagram, Facebook, and/or Pinterest, please provide credit in the description of the image as well as tag @tarafeatherdesigns. For website and blog posts, please give credit by mentioning Tara Feather Designs and providing a link to www.tarafeatherdesigns.com either under or near the image that contains TFD artwork.


All images found on www.tarafeatherdesigns.com are the intellectual property of Tara Feather Designs and cannot be used without written permission. Commercial use, duplication of artwork/designs, or redistribution of work featured on www.tarafeatherdesigns.com is not permitted. All artwork sold by Tara Feather Designs is for personal use only. Artwork cannot be redistributed, resold, or altered in any manner without permission.